Mobilsept - Biotechnology Solutions!

Welcome to the world of Mobilsept products!

In addition to the wide selection of products, we help you to perform the necessary tasks with individual design and construction. Mobile Hygiene LLC  also has manufacturing site in Hungary, has decades of experience in  surface purification with antimicrobial coating  and  air and surface  treatments with 
ozone gas in industrial and home use applications. We design and build  ozone generators for  ozone hygienic air and surface purification,  antimicrobial cold mist technique for air and surface protection against pathogen contamination. These technologies make it possible to clean the air in offices, homes, hotels and catering establishments and vehicles, sterilize the surfaces and remove pathogens in agricultural applications. O3 gas is efficient to remove  unpleasant odors, whether they are tobacco smoke, musty odors, dog, cat or other pet odors, or from any bed smelling textile. Ozone treatment is also effective against molds. Also for allergy sufferers, the only really effective solution to eliminate their unpleasant problems is ozone generator in air purification and disinfection using biocides and organic materials. 

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